Hello, MVT Family! Welcome to the first MVT’s Rundown episode​ of the year! As we embark on a new chapter together, we want to express our deepest appreciation for your outstanding contributions throughout the past year. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Let’s now get ready for exciting updates, announcements, and MVT Family highlights, setting the stage for a fantastic year ahead!

HR Announcement

We want to ensure a seamless start for everyone. Please take a moment to review your check stubs and ensure that deductions align with your open enrollment choices. Remember to visit the EnGauge Employee Self-Service Portal and double-check that your address is up to date.

Mark your calendars! W2s will be available at the end of the month. These documents are essential for tax season, so having the correct information is key. Don’t forget to log into PaperSmart to select whether you want your W-2 mailed to you or available on the site.

MVT Safe Driving Club

Let’s give a big shoutout to some amazing drivers who’ve hit impressive safety milestones. Armando Montoya, Martin Garibay JR, Martin Garibay, Charles Earl Randle JR, Eduardo Duran, and Luis R Ruiz Cabral have each cruised through 1 million safe miles. Isaac James Barton and Victor Hugo Hernandez went the extra mile, hitting an incredible 2 million safe miles. A huge thumbs up to these drivers for their commitment to keeping our roads safe and reliable. For more information on our MVT Safe Driving Club, contact Leticia Jacquez at (915) 791-4000 ext. 2277 or email her at Leticia.Jacquez@m-v-t.com.

Driver Recruiting Announcement

We are actively hiring team drivers for Division 329 (Laredo, San Antonio, and the Dallas Fort Worth Area), and for Division 110 (Albuquerque, El Paso, and DFW). We are also calling drivers from Nashville, Laredo, and El Paso to explore opportunities in multiple divisions and become a valuable member of our growing family.

If you are already part of our MVT Family, and you know someone seeking an exceptional driving opportunity, send them our way. You can earn $1,000 for each referral after their first trip and enjoy additional $250 bonuses at 30, 60, and 90 days.

We want to extend a special invitation to our current MVT Drivers to be part of something bigger. If you’re interested in becoming a mentor and shaping the next generation of drivers, please reach out to Leticia Jacquez at (915) 791-4000 ext. 2277 or by email at Leticia.Jacquez@m-v-t.com. Becoming a mentor comes with extra pay for every mile.

We Care 

As we kick off the new year, we’re eager to make it the best one yet – and your input is important! Reach out to us through email at WeCare@m-v-t.com, drop your thoughts in the suggestion boxes at our terminals, or visit our website Help-Us-Improve.com to share any any idea, suggestion or feedback. Your contribution makes a difference, and together, let’s make MVT an even better community.

Safety Announcement

We’ve got something game-changing for you – ELD bags. They’re tools that let you connect your Platform Science tablet to any subunit you find yourself operating. Find them at our Laredo, El Paso, Nashville, and Denver terminals. Elogs will provide all necessary documents when you pick up your ELD Bag – no additional paperwork required. For inquiries, give Elogs call at (915) 791-4000 ext. 7440. And when you’re done with the ELD Bag, simply return it to the terminal where you got it.

That’s a wrap!

Don’t forget to stay connected with us on FacebookInstagramTwitterYouTubeTikTok, and LinkedIn. We look forward to keeping you informed in the coming month. Until then, take care, stay tuned, and catch you for all things MVT!