January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. We want to bring awareness to this serious matter at hand. Human trafficking is an issue across our country. Statistics show there are over 40 million slaves today around the world. Hundreds of thousands of those victims being in the United States. Many of these victims are women and children who are used in the sex trafficking industry. With the help of you and others worldwide, we can save these victims and prevent human trafficking.

Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) is a foundation that works towards preventing and ending human trafficking. Their goals are to work with law enforcement and get other drivers to become TAT trained certified drivers. Being a TAT-trained certified driver will help educate other drivers on signs of human trafficking and what to do in that type of situation. You can report any suspicion of human trafficking by calling the hotline 1-888-3737-888. You may save a life.

TAT also has many programs, builds, projects, and more to help stop human trafficking. TAT currently has over 1 million drivers TAT certified. There have been over 2,500 calls made by truckers, 708 likely cases generated, and 1,269 victims identified.

To help rescue victims from offenders’ apprehension, TAT has set up a mobile army of transportation experts who support law-enforcement in identifying human trafficking. One of the many projects TAT has in place is The Freedom Drivers Project. It teaches members the signs to keep an eye out for in domestic sex trafficking. They use a 48-foot trailer to show videos and actual evidence from victims like this https://youtu.be/pS_ZfrOD6YQ.



TAT is working toward ending human trafficking, but they need our help too. Here is what you can do: Get informed today about the signs of human trafficking and what you should do if you suspect it. Go ahead and visit the Truckers Against Trafficking website https://truckersagainsttrafficking.org/ and read more about the information and programs they have available. If you are interested, go ahead and register to become a Certified Trucker Against Trafficking (CTAT) 612- 888-2050. Also, you can make a difference by calling the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1(888)373-7888 or SMS:233733 (text “HELP” or “INFO”).